One of my favorite sessions is for a newborn baby girl! I love the intricate headbands, outfits, and blankets I get to choose from for these sessions. Another thing I love is when families bring props to include that really tell the story of who they are as a family. The Beard family did just that!
Big brother was sure in love with his sister. It is always a little nerve-wracking working with younger children and babies together. However, big brother did an amazing job with his newborn baby sister!
These two images are one of my favorites. I have great respect for anyone who serves in the military, or as police officers, firefighters, EMT, etc. This daddy not only served in out military, he is also a firefighter and an avid hunter.
Furthermore, what I love about these photos is that this blanket was handmade as a gift, and mom is also an avid hunter! I think this newborn baby girl will have no choice but to follow in her parent’s footsteps!
Overall, this was an amazing newborn session with some pretty amazing people. Who wouldn’t want this job?!