Kristen and Jared could not have asked for a more beautiful day for their fall wedding in Convoy, OH. The sunshine and blue skies were just perfect. Furthermore, Kristen’s dress and details she chose showed her amazing style. Since I was not familiar with Convoy, Kristen scouted and chose the locations for the photos. Overall, I could not have asked for a more perfect day!
That veil and those shoes!!!
I love all of the Kristen’s details. Her vintage inspired dress was just stunning! The veil and shoes…a perfect fit!
I am constantly on the hunt for good light and a big window! Even though the sun was coming in quite harshly, I just love the backlit look on Kristen’s dress allowing the detail on lace of her train to really show!
This first look was just perfect! Jared could not take his eyes off his beautiful bride! I love the look on his face when he saw her for the first time!!
Kristen found this location with the barn and the truck. The grass was full of spiders (which I hate), but we made it out alive and have some beautiful photos to show for the effort (and terror)!
Just look at the detail in the lace! Gorgeous!
Another great detail…Kristen’s clutch!
AHHH!!! The amazing light! Perfect!
The park was a perfect backdrop for the wedding party photos! I had so much fun with this group of people!
Is she not a doll??!! Such a cutie!
Jared’s face says it all right here! Capturing the look on the groom’s face is one of the most important parts of the ceremony!
Kristen chose to change into a reception dress and was just as stunning as her wedding gown! Love!
Overall, the day and evening were perfect! Thank you Kristen and Jared! We had an amazing time capturing your fall wedding and wish you the best!!!